Restaurateurs: Protect Yourself from Lawsuits with Safe Industrial Supplies

Hi, my name is Kat. I have worked in the front and back house of many restaurants, and I have also seen the game from the perspective of an owner. Although many people like to embrace complicated safety procedures, I believe you can accomplish just as much with smaller supplies and procedures. If you are ready to strip down your safety procedures and figure out easier, more effective ways to keep your staff safe, please explore this blog. It discusses everything from finding the perfect non-slip mats to buying the best oven mats or hot towels. It also looks at specific supplies you can get to reduce your liability in certain areas. Thanks for reading!

Three Ways Cheaper End Mills Cost Your Business More Money


If you're researching industrial end mills for your product line, you may have noticed that small, fine miniature end mills are highly valued because of the greater precision required to make them. This precision, as you may expect, is more consistently in place on higher-end brands, because any skimping on precision results in an inferior end mill. Higher-quality products may cost more, but they're also worth a great deal more to your company. If you choose a lower-quality brand, the inferior precision used can transfer to any products it's used on. Here are three ways cutting corners on end mill costs and micro tools can result in greater overall expenditure for your business.

1. Lower quality end mill products can require more frequent replacement.

Using an inferior end mill product to save on cost may backfire on you once the manufacturing process starts. For example, poorly made end mills often have radial run-out (meaning that the tip isn't a perfect circle) or axial run-out (meaning that the end isn't perfectly flat). Like unbalanced car wheels, end mills with radial run-out wear unevenly and can accrue stress damage as well, meaning that you'll need to replace them more frequently than if you'd opted for a high-quality solution.

2. Lower quality end mill parts can lead to a higher reject count in your manufacturing process.

An inferior end mill may come with an incorrectly blended corner radius caused by lack of attention and precision during the manufacturing process. This problem can cause a small jagged corner to stick out of the blade's side, which in turn can gouge an unexpected groove in the product. These inherent difficulties, especially when great precision is required, may lead to irreparable product damage during drilling.

3. Inferior end mill parts can lead to an overall lower quality outcome for any products you use it on.

Radial and axial run-out don't just lead to quicker end mill failure. They can both dull the edge of the drill and reduce its accuracy, meaning that precision jobs will be negatively affected and success rates will be lower. This, combined with the possibility of unexpected gouging mentioned above, can lower the reliable quality of your product unless measures are taken to counteract the problems.

As you can see, an inferior end mill product may in some cases not be worth the cost in damaged products, extra quality control steps, and frequent end mill replacement. Consider these costs carefully before making a decision on which end mill products to use.


12 August 2015