Restaurateurs: Protect Yourself from Lawsuits with Safe Industrial Supplies

Hi, my name is Kat. I have worked in the front and back house of many restaurants, and I have also seen the game from the perspective of an owner. Although many people like to embrace complicated safety procedures, I believe you can accomplish just as much with smaller supplies and procedures. If you are ready to strip down your safety procedures and figure out easier, more effective ways to keep your staff safe, please explore this blog. It discusses everything from finding the perfect non-slip mats to buying the best oven mats or hot towels. It also looks at specific supplies you can get to reduce your liability in certain areas. Thanks for reading!

Choosing The Right Heating Oil For Your Heating System


If you are using a heating system in your home that runs on heating oil, it is vital that you know what to buy when you need fuel and where to get it. Sometimes the best price you can find is not the best heating oil, so it is crucial to work with a company that provides high-quality fuel at fair prices. 

Tank Locations

One of the most significant factors determining the kind of heating oil you should use in your home is the tank's location. The heating oil delivery company may offer several different oil blends or mixes that can be important, depending on where you live. 

Tanks that are inside are typically warm enough to avoid gelling of the fuel, but tanks that are outside in extremely cold temperatures can allow the fuel to start to gel up and cause problems with fuel delivery. If your tank is outside, talk to the heating oil delivery company about using a mixed fuel in your tank. 

Fuel Mixes

Heating oil can come in several different mixes, and most heating oil delivery companies can alter the mix for you at your request. Heating systems that burn heating oil can also run on kerosene or K1, and since the kerosene has a much higher tolerance for the cold temperatures, mixing it with the heating oil is an excellent way to stop the oil from gelling in the cold. 

The most common mixes start with severity percent heating oil and thirty percent kerosene, but that ration is not set in stone. The company you are working with can mix it in the tank, so if you want more or less K1 in the mix, let them know. 

Mixes with eighty percent heating oil and twenty percent K1 are also used in some areas, but the best combination can be specified for the temperatures in your area, so talk with the heating oil delivery company about the right mix for your situation. They can tell you what works for other customers with similar heating systems and tank setups, but at the end of the day, you will have to decide what you want in the tank. 

In warmer weather, most people do not use a mix because the kerosene is expensive, which will push the price of the fuel up significantly. Most systems could run straight kerosene, but the cost would be extremely prohibitive for most people and completely unnecessary.  


29 July 2020